Thursday, November 3, 2011

Chemical Overload. How to prevent buying bad things for our children and ourselves.

It has been a while since my last post.  Cause?  Having no power until late last night.  Haven't been able to cook and tonight we just settled in and I am too tired to make anything.  LOL.  I am sure a lot of you have been in the same boat.  Since I spent some time out of the house, I ate some take out and a lot of Halloween candy.  Needless to say, I don't feel my best.  Probably because I was filling my body with things that aren't so great.  Preservatives, refined sugar, food coloring, etc.  

This got me thinking about what we feed ourselves and use on our bodies on a daily basis that may not be the healthiest of choices.  I came across two websites that I feel compelled to share with you.  This first one was a link from Seventh Generation's website. (I use all of their cleaning products)  I could talk forever about why you should switch from bleach and windex to vinegar and essential oil based cleaning products but this article was all about BPA.  The study showed that they are using a high level of BPA in some of the most popular canned food.  Even worse, these canned foods are sold as "kid friendly".  I have been trying my best to avoid canned goods, but I will try even harder now.  Although budget friendly, it is not so friendly to our bodies.  Please take some time to read this

Besides what we are putting in our bodies, we put a lot of crap on the outside.  Not putting too much thought into what those methylparabens, frangrance and sodium laureth sulfate actually do.  I was turned on to this website by a good friend and am so glad she shared it.  You can type in any product you are using and it will give it a rating.  Good, ok, dangerous and downright cancerous.  If you don't care what you are doing to yourself, please at least type in the products you are using on your children.  I have been using organic products on my son since I had him.  Call me crazy, but after reading this, I didn't want to take any chances.  Please read!  Skin Deep

Take care of yourselves and your loved ones!!!

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